EBalance Blog
Ebalance shares wellness tips that can make a positive impact on your life.
Chakra Balancing
During this month’s blog we’ll explore the 7 Chakras and learn how to become consciously aware of these energy centers that when balanced can lead to greater well-being.
Get yourself ready for summer!
June is finally here and at Ebalance we’re getting ready to enjoy the summer. Our team is looking forward to sunshine and bringing Yomassage outdoors at Selner Park in Kewaunee, as well as utilizing our favorite summer products!
How to Choose a Massage Therapist That’s Right for You.
Have you been considering getting a massage but overwhelmed by your google search of “massage near me” or were you disappointed by the last massage you received and thought maybe massage just isn’t for you? You’re not alone! We’ve heard these concerns and many like them from our clients and we’d love to share some insider tips on how to choose a massage therapist that’s right for you.
Heat vs Ice
In this months blog we’re going to discuss the therapeutic benefits of heat vs ice and how to incorporate them in your daily routine.
Rejuvenate Your Body’s Natural Detoxification System
You’ve probably heard the word “Detox” in many advertisements for health products that may have left you with more questions than answers. Such as what is a detox? Why would someone want a detox? In this month’s blog we are going to explore what exactly is a detox and a few natural ways to support your body’s ability to naturally detox.
7 Signs You May Be Stuck in Fight or Flight Mode
Stuck in fight or flight mode? The good news is you can stop this cycle now by following 2 simple steps to end the Fight or Flight cycle.
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